JUST DROPPING BY TO SAY OR TO SHARE MY DAY. Irit ehhh!! Aku tgh pokai giler! Tgh kering giler!!! Masalah! Aku btl2 da takder duit! Taikkk!!!!! Den, dun even bother helping abt it!! Ive enough of fucking streesss!! Fuck!! Fuck life! Im stress abt my life, werk, $$ this portion, tak perlu ckp ar. Stop treatyn me like small lil girl! I got a fucking brainys here in my head!! U tynk if u help me out, makes u feel useless or even feel that ure stupid, like u told me. U think by controlling my life who i wanna be with makes me happy!? No!! Fuck shit im not!! Stu hal satu hal ehh!!? Abeh krg maseh ar nak uad hidop aku gini? I have enough ok!? Serious shit! I have enough of having my freaking life like this. U guys must be wondering, what the fuck am i angry ff?! Its like durh! Family comes again. Sampai bile eh aku nak idop mcm gini! Hidop tonggang langgang siakk!! Puki suar!! Wth!! Im having a good tyme own my own sia today! Yes! U might be looking at me im happy with my "woo~" family, but bck end? Its really corrupted sia!! Fuck it lahh!! I hate my life nowadays!! Corrupted abes ok!! Fuck it!! I hate it sia!!