The music is haunting and affecting, having presence but never being too intrusive. 'The Walking Dead' is incredibly well made in the production values, with gritty and audacious production design, photography of almost cinematic quality, effects that look good, have soul and are not overused or abused and pretty frightening make-up which helps make the already freaky zombies even freakier.

My only complaint about the early seasons actually is the slightly slow start to Season 2. Seasons 1-5 of 'The Walking Dead' to me were absolutely brilliant, and it still shocks me at how an intelligent, well-made (so much so that it is easy to mistake it for a film) show about zombies could be made when so many films have tried and failed abysmally to do so. Finally getting round to it a few years ago and slowly working my way through it, 'The Walking Dead' turned out to be very much my cup of tea and as good as the hype made it out to be.
It took a while to get round to walking, both from being busy and also not being sure whether it would be my cup of tea. Had heard nothing but great things about 'The Walking Dead' from friends and IMDb reviewers.